Monday, July 20, 2009

Full Throttle - Day 99

This morning's training was yet again extremely difficult, but yet again I feel so great when I am done. I started out with deadlifts as I do every morning. However, this time when BJ wrote on the board exactly what I'd be doing, I was surprised to not only see the number of reps so high, but also the weight was higher than I have ever attempted. I did several weights but built up to 285 pounds, and I did 5 reps at 285 pounds. I had never attempted more than 265 pounds, so I was not sure how I would do. I am participating in a Tactical Strength Challenge in September, and my goal is to deadlift at least 315 pounds. After the deadlifting, the workout began. We did 15 squats, 10 pushups, 15 kettlebell swings, and then 10 box jumps. We did as many rounds as possible for 20 minutes, and I was able to complete 8 rounds. So, in 20 minutes I completed 120 squats, 80 pushups, 120 kettlebell swings (using 2 kettlebells), and 80 box jumps. I felt so good when I was done. I then decided this evening to go back to Full Throttle Athletics and pull a weighted sled. I did some arm exercises with the sled as well as some walking and running with the sled. In total I pulled the sled about 1 mile.
Here is what I ate today:
5:30am - 5 strawberries
7:45am - ProGrade Lean Meal Replacement Drink
12:30pm - chicken breast
3:30pm - 22 almonds
6:30pm - chicken breasts with turkey
I drank over 200 ounces of water

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