Friday, April 17, 2009

Full Throttle - Day 5

Wow, today's workout was the toughest yet, but I feel so great now. Most of the soreness is gone, so after the workout I am actually able to walk normal throughout the day with no pain. Today we did 4 different exercises for one minute each back to back with no rest in between. Once done with the 4 exercises, we took a 1 minute rest, and we started again. We did this 7 times!!! After the first round, I was not sure how I'd make it through 6 more rounds, but I made it. I had to take a few short breaks, but I did not quit. After the workout I was tired, but I was not as tired as I had been after the previous 2 workouts. I feel great now, and I feel such a sense of accomplishment.
BJ gave me some healthy eating guidlines, and my friend Mark sent me a very detailed eating regimen to follow. BJ and Mark have been so encouraging to me, and that just motivates me even more.


  1. Hey Scott!!! That is AWESOME!!! Keep it up! :)
    Jen Johnson

  2. Scott, this is awesome. Keep up the good work!

  3. Keep working like you did today, man! Awesome start to your new chapter...

  4. welcome to the 30's club! we definitely have to watch our aging figures now huh? we're rootin for ya down here in argentina! can't wait to see how it all goes for you!

  5. Scott, go hard and listen to BJ. You will do great man.


  6. Your friends... Susan & JustinApril 19, 2009 at 3:52 PM


    You are amazing and we love you and we know that you can do this. With the support of all your wonderful friends and your desire to be healthy and fit!

    You are on your way already and doing to well! Can't wait to see your progress in just a few weeks in Mexico!

  7. Scott I know you don't know me...but I am Lisa's friend Susie. I am reading your blog and can so agree with you. I am at a boot camp here in Abilene. We go to Dyess AFB. We were doing 4:45-5:45 we "graduated" today. We start a new one on Monday May 4th. The times this one starts is 5, so it will be a little
